Eight years ago, a group of leading Latinos who are nurse educators had been discussing the potential of starting an association that would better meet the needs of Latino nurse faculty and nurse leaders. The IALNF beginning is rooted at the American Academy of Nursing conference which was held in Washington, DC in October 2014. Dr. Martínez Rogers asked other Latino Fellows of the American Academy of Nursing what they thought about starting this association. Dr. Antoňia Villarruel, Dr. Carmen Portillo, Dr. Connie Huerta, and Dr. Eloisa Taméz agreed that it was time to start an association that would foster Latino nurse faculty. The by-laws were drafted and sent to these four leaders who ultimately approved them. Several Latino Nurse Faculty were contacted via email and a founding board was created. The first board meeting was held on January 16, 2015 in San Antonio, TX at the University of Texas Health Science Center. It was decided at the first board meeting to offer membership to Latino Nurse Faculty who work in international accredited schools/colleges of nursing. The association applied to become a 501c3 in April 2015. Two years ago the IALNF decided to include Latino Nurse Leaders who work directly in nursing care. We have now become the International Association of Latino Nurse Faculty/Nurse Leaders (IALNF/NL).