Educational and Instructional Media


Lisa Alberts, a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner from UT Health San Antonio, discusses the future of health care for seniors and how we can use telehealth to better our care practices.

Advantages of Telehealth

Telesalud: Ventajas de la Telesalud

Advanced Care Planning

Why It Matters in the Days of COVID-19 and ACP Disparities. Presented by Kristen J Overbaugh PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CHPN.

La planificacion anticipada para los cuidados de salud (ACP)

All Alone and Wide Awake

Did loneliness during the COVID 19 affect sleep?

Solos y bien despiertos

Importance of Taking the Vaccine

Protect yourself, your family, and your community. Get the vaccine.

Protegese Protege Su Familia Y Protege Su Comunidad