Inspiring America: Rosario

Dr. Tamez: newly appointed

Dr. Viillarruel: La latina que se convirtió en referente de sí misma

Dear Latinos, on behalf of the board of the International Association of Latino Nurse Faculty we would like to share our thoughts about our responsibility towards the upcoming election.




This is a message from one Latina to other Latinos. It’s an important time to make decisions about whether or not, we as Latinos, are going to play a major role in this coming election.  Voting is not only a privilege but a responsibility.  We have the power to place into office those politicians who are sensitive to our needs.  If we relinquish our vote, then we lose the ability to express concern for politicians making decisions that we believe are not appropriate.  Our right to voice our concerns, views, beliefs are  forfeited if we do not take the time to vote.

We are the fastest growing minority population and because of this we have the privilege of making an impact on this election.  On November 3, 2020 we have the opportunity to take charge of who become the leaders of our country and states.  “Are we going to do that? Yes, of course we will!”   We all know that the only way we can make change is by voting. Take someone with you to vote – a friend or relative, or another nurse.  Our voices count only if we get to the voting booths.  Know which candidates have shown conviction and commitment to the problems that some Latinos face, such as being uninsured, unemployed, and uneducated.  Which candidates will help eliminate the health disparities encountered?  Who will help our undocumented immigrants?  I say, “Let us, as Latinos, show that we are responsible, concerned citizens by voting and making an impact in this year’s election. Let us rise to the occasion and show our country that WE DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.”


Con Cariňo,

Norma Martínez Rogers, PhD, RN, FAAN


International Association of Latino Nurse Faculty

Message on COVID-19

Presidential Distinguished Service Award

The No Man’s Land